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Pingy is now online and you can use it for free.But since we are curently hosting it on free host there might be some problems with application and bandwidth so we are still missing:

1.Lack of money for quality web hosting
2.Lack of money for quaity domain name

Project will remain free to use!

You can help by backlinking to us if you woud like to see project Pingy going online quicker ,which would help us increase traffic,promote it and with more traffic we will get more revenue to pay for expenses.

Thank you for you help in advance!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Explanation - What Pingy Does?

In blogging, ping is an XML-RPC-based push mechanism by which a weblog notifies a server that its content has been updated.[1] An XML-RPC signal is sent to one or more "ping servers," which can then generate a list of blogs that have new material. The technology was first introduced by Dave Winer to in October 2001.[2] Today, most blog authoring tools automatically ping one or more servers each time the blogger creates a new post or updates an old one.
Open ping servers, like Moreover Technologies', let other web services subscribe to a list of blogs that have recently pinged them. Blog search engines can provide fresh results very quickly by polling only the newly-updated blogs. Similarly, aggregators use results from ping servers to tell subscribers which items on their subscription lists have fresh material.
In addition to open ping servers, there are also proprietary ping servers that gather information only for their own applications. Most of the major blog search engines operate such ping servers.
Unlike open ping servers, proprietary servers with their own subscription applications have no incentive to share their received ping data directly with other servers, which may offer competing services. As these servers do not share their data, bloggers have to ping a large number of individual servers to receive the desired publicity. As a result, bloggers have turned to services such as Ping-o-matic and, which ping multiple proprietary ping servers and remove the need for website owners to accquire new servers to ping themselves.

Taken From Wikipedia!

In Simple Words If you Ping your website or blog search engines like Google,Yahoo and others will find you faster and refresh your content in their index!

Why is My blog Listed in Pingy Web Application?
Most Likely Someone Pinged your blog trough our application,our system marks latest ping adresses and displays them on top of the form.Thanks for using Pingy!

If you have any queries you can contact us directly at!

Thanks for using Pingy!